Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Beat That Flesh into Submission!

Hi there :)  It's been over a year since I wrote here. In my last post, I shared that I was going to focus on taking care of myself and building my body back up. That's exactly what I've been doing.

As it turns out, I didn't really understand, at that time, how run-down my body was. After hormone tests, I was instructed to take every opportunity to rest. I even had to be careful with exercise as my body just received it as more stress which perpetuated the cycle of illness.

Finally, though, I now feel like I am coming out on the other side! I have rested...and taken supplements...changed even more eating habits...used essential oils...spent time in prayer...

And now, I'm feeling better than I have in many years! In August, I will turn the big 4-0! My goal hasn't been a certain number on the scale or the tag of my jeans; my aim is to be the strongest I have ever been in my life.

I just want to feel healthy and fit.

I have been following the Trim Healthy Mama way of eating. I do go "off plan" some...usually on the weekend, but I have had great success still. I feel good inside. I have energy again!!!

Yesterday, I started a workout program that I did years ago, but haven't been well enough to do for quite some time. I was nervous giving it a go, mainly fearful that I wouldn't be able to do it and would feel discouraged. 

Good news though...I did it! I made it through, and I made it through well! I kept up and only had to modify the exercises that would put my neck in positions that could trigger a migraine. 

I hurt...but it was normal I-haven't-used-those-muscles-in-ages pain, not awful body issues or fatigue!

So yeah, Day One of my 6 week program done. Today is Day Two. I have just under 5 months until my birthday. I want to hit that target! I want to beat my flesh into submission!  

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