Monday, February 24, 2014


So my hubby won this great award for work and also a trip to a luxurious resort!

Great news, right?!

But, you know as a woman where my mind went almost immediately... I have to wear a bathing suit and a fancy dress and...and...and... 


I had been praying for motivation to help me get back to working out and that did it friends.

I hate that it takes something like that.  I wish I had a natural love for active sports or hiking or biking or something.  No, I would rather be reading, researching, scrapbooking, writing, drawing...almost anything other than moving around and sweating!

The thing is though that EVERY time I do get back into a workout routine, I do enjoy it for the most part...or at least I really love the effects of it.

I feel better all over...joints, muscles, even my skin!  I breathe better. I sleep better. I eat better.

Why do I let myself fall out of the cycle?  

I find it only takes one or two yucky days of illness and that is enough to derail my efforts!

I deal with a lot of pelvic pain from endometriosis.  If you aren't familiar with it, you won't really understand how far-reaching the implants can go and how debilitating it can be in different ways on different days. It can affect so many organs by attaching itself like a sticky web.

There are times I go a week straight with no symptoms and feel wonderful and then BAM!  I wake up in the night or the next morning, and I am doubled over in pain.  Sometimes, it only lasts hours and other times, it may go on for five days.  I also have an issue with the top vertebra in my neck moving.  When it acts up, I get migraines!  Sometimes those last up to 48 hours.  You can imagine how all that messes up daily life plans and especially exercising.

I have come to terms with all of this.  I have researched so much.  I have made many changes to diet and habits, etc... and I realize this is just what I will deal with unless I have a miraculous healing because there is no medical cure for either at this point.

Am I going to let that define me or direct me or ruin me?

I could choose to lay around.  I could wallow in self-pity and depression, and believe me, I have had to fight that temptation. However, I know God created me for purpose.  I know His plans are to prosper me and not to harm me in any way.  Of that I am certain!

So, I push on each day, in the power of HIS might.  I cannot do this alone, and I'm so thankful that I don't have to!  

Would I love God to heal me instantly?  Of course!  Do I trust Him any less because He doesn't?  Thankfully, not at all.

I am so grateful for the ability to walk and move.  Sometimes, I have to really push myself to do things, but I really try to stay focused on the fact that I still can do things!

So, I'm just feeling really appreciative today that I am able...that I am willing...and that God helps me to press on no matter what comes against me.

I am determined to have victory in my circumstances!

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